by Vice President Mary Kate Schoenbeck (English, LHS)

I have to admit that I didn’t know what I was doing when I joined the Union fifteen years ago. When I filled out my new member form, I didn’t know what being a part of a Union meant or what a Union really did. But as I grew to be a more seasoned teacher, I slowly realized how important it is to be “Union strong.”

In particular, the Union really stepped up for our membership during COVID. They advocated for us, our families, and our safety when schools and educators were at the center of a national crisis. At every turn, they fought for us and were our voice. This is what inspired me to serve and seek a leadership role on our Union’s Executive Board. I want to stand up for our members and their interests, especially during this chaotic time in education, knowing that when we are at our best, so are our students.

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