Category: News
A well-funded Union is a strong Union.
Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, our Union dues will increase from 0.053% to 0.073% of the base salary. Members voted (134 yes, 6 no) this week to increase the dues to cover outstanding stipends due to previous Executive Board and Negotiations Committee members. The increase, which comes out to 51 cents more per paycheck, will also allow us to sustain our Union in the future.
Treasurer Nikki Olszewski explains past, current, and future budgets in these informative videos:
Dues will increase by about 51 cents per paycheck, or about $12 per year.
Thank you to the 140 Union members who voted regarding our recent bylaws update. Members voted on proposed bylaws language over a 4-day period from Mon Oct 9 – Thurs Oct 12, 2023.
140 votes were recorded by the LCFT email voting system:
- 140 votes recorded in favor of the non-financial bylaws proposals
- 134 votes recorded in favor of the Union dues increase; 6 votes recorded against the dues increase
Here are the updated bylaws.
Budget videos
Minutes (to be posted after the meeting)
Please use RSVP link sent to members’ personal emails. We hope you can join the fun!
First Friday of each month
D128 Federation of Teachers invites our D128 ESP Union friends, too!
Wishing you a restful Labor Day on Monday, September 4, 2023!
As you are enjoying your family and your final summer’s fun, also remember the reason for this holiday: “to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the workers of the past who sacrificed to ensure workplaces are fair and safe for us all (IFT).”
Labor Day is a day to celebrate OUR Union – our collective work, our representation, and our strength together. Your work educates, supports, and lifts up our students and our society.
Thank you for attending our first all-member meeting at 9:30 a.m. Thurs Aug 10, 2023.
- 2023-8-10 Opening day slides
- Minutes will be posted here after the meeting.