May 20, 2024

Good evening, my name is Monica Caldicott, and I have been library media specialist here at Vernon Hills High School for nearly 20 years. I am also president of the D128 Federation of Teachers. 

I’m so glad to see many of my colleagues present tonight. Many of us came right from our Snacks and Study Night events at the Cook Park and Aspen Drive branches of Cook Memorial Public Library. For about 10 years now, our Union has hosted and staffed two study nights each year near the end of each semester. We want our students to be well- prepared for final exams and, just as importantly, we want them to know how much we care about them!

On behalf of our teachers, I offer sincere congratulations to our sister Union, the D128 Educational Support Personnel Union, for settling a fair contract with this administration. Both our Unions are focused on the education, health, safety, and success of our students. We look forward to continuing our effective partnership.

It was energizing to hear the strong voices of our community during the public comment period tonight. Thank you to all of the parents and community members who spoke tonight. And especially thank you to our students, who made us proud with your thoughtful words and spot-on speaking. As educators in this incredible district, we, too, care about our students, their parents, and the taxpayers who provide the foundation for District 128. We too have spoken out about how poor decisions made by Superintendent Dr. Herrmann put in jeopardy the award-winning educational practices and acclaimed student success we strive to build on every day in our classrooms. 

Members of the D128 Federation of Teachers are committed to positive change and growth, which is why effective leadership is crucial. Sadly, the fact is that Dr. Herrmann has repeatedly shown that she is incapable of leading D128 through the complex and multi-faceted change that has been planned. And our students are suffering the most.

Parents and taxpayers should expect a superintendent who can identify the school district’s needs and properly plan to support students and staff to address them. Instead, you’ve all watched for nearly 3 years as half-baked plans, as board member Sonal Kulkarni correctly named them, have been floated and changed while the superintendent who inspired them has remained unwilling to work with teachers and administrators – even those she hand-picked – to help students thrive. A leader who does not listen is not an effective leader.

Members of the School Board, your role is to listen, ask questions, and oversee the high-level operation of this school district. You depend on the administration to make effective day-to-day decisions and to bring to you educational plans that make sense. Dr. Herrmann has thrown you under the bus, making you the fall guys for her poor leadership. The hot seats you feel under you are not deserved; you can only work with what you’re given. And Dr. Herrmann has not given enough.

Our students, parents, and taxpayers deserve much better. That’s why, as concerned educators who care deeply about this district, we had no other choice than to take this important vote and make our voice heard. 

Therefore, the D128 Federation of Teachers has taken and overwhelmingly passed a vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the leadership of Dr. Denise Herrmann, superintendent of Community High School District 128.

Nearly 90% of our members approved this resolution.
Of the members who voted, 99% voted they have NO CONFIDENCE in Dr. Herrmann in the role of superintendent.

Our resolution reads:

Whereas Dr. Herrmann has created a chaotic and hostile work environment, forcing multiple administrators to leave our District in the past year.

Whereas Dr. Herrmann launched a multitude of educational initiatives simultaneously, opting to eliminate some effective supports for students while failing to create thoughtful and organized plans for new ones for the 2024-25 school year, therefore leaving students without a fully realized system.

Whereas Dr. Herrmann violated our Union’s Collective Bargaining Agreement by completing the sectioning of 2024-25 classes with no discussion or input from the Union, despite our contract clearly stating this discussion requirement.

Whereas Dr. Herrmann has squandered D128 funds by making poor financial decisions that have cost taxpayers money.

Whereas Dr. Herrmann has fomented distrust among educators by misrepresenting our involvement and approval of D128 decisions.

Whereas Dr. Herrmann reneged on the imminent settlement of a 2022 Union grievance in which district administration violated our Collective Bargaining Agreement by allowing department chairs to direct and overpower the work of Professional Learning Communities.

Whereas Dr. Herrmann condoned the changing of a correct grade assigned by an educator in favor of an inflated grade issued by a department chair after a three-hour, private, summer tutoring session with the student. 

Whereas Dr. Herrmann has not met any of her three self-assigned Culture and Climate goals.

Whereas Dr. Herrmann has repeatedly ignored the history and tradition of professionalism and excellence that D128 educators have grown and fostered, resulting in unprecedentedly low morale. 

Whereas Dr. Herrmann attempted to block the legal granting of professional tenure to 12 educators.

Whereas Dr. Herrmann resisted paying the stipend owed to seven educators in the English Learner program, despite the fact that the stipend named as “District-Identified Priorities” in our Collective Bargaining Agreement was suggested and written by her own administration.

Whereas the D128 Union has exhausted all avenues to communicate concerns with Dr. Herrmann at Labor-Management Committee meetings, via Union messages and attendance at School Board meetings, and even directly to her at regular superintendent-Union president meetings and several superintendent’s roundtables. Dr. Herrmann’s unwillingness to listen is notably apparent.

Therefore, be it resolved that the D128 Federation of Teachers strongly expresses a vote of NO CONFIDENCE in Superintendent Dr. Denise Herrmann. 

We call for the Community High School District 128 Board of Education to remove Dr. Herrmann immediately.

We call for a leader who is capable of maintaining and fostering the excellence that has long been recognized at D128, as well as to promote positive change and build upon the outstanding legacy of this district.

On behalf of the teachers in District 128, we urge this Board to make a desperately needed change in leadership. Our district deserves no less.